Maya Reloaded v1.0
A stunning way to build multiple websites
All-In-One multipurpose theme for unlimited projects
Over 30+ Concepts
Create unlimited stunning websites.
Find your Perfect Concept
No post was found with your current grid settings. You should verify if you have posts inside the current selected post type(s) and if the meta key filter is not too much restrictive.
Main Features
What's inside at the new Maya.
Countless Customizations
The 30+ included concepts are only few part of Maya's possibilities.
Premium Plugins
Maya includes Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, The Grid and Google Map premium plugins.
100% Responsive
Nucleus Framework based. A super smooth experience for any device!
Powerful Options
Change everything: Header, Content, Loops, Footer, Styling and much more..
20+ Visual Composer new elements
Maya adds to Visual Composer plugin more than 20 amazing new elements.
GSAP Animations
Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web using javascript.
Create cool websites quickly and easily.
Elite Support
Video Tutorials